I am seeking collaboration to create in LEBANON a Museum of ARCHITECTURE coupled with a Research Center. This museum will exhibit the living traditional architecture of LEBANON and the Arab World, research its wealth of embedded solutioms and create knowledge for sustainable and meanigful architecture.
Creating this museum is a necessity today due to the changes the world as well the MENA region are witnessing: the Climate Change, the repercussions of Arab Spring both associated with a huge economic as well political downturn, not to mention the drastic transformations occurring in neighboring countries, to cite only few.
This project will contribute to put LEBANON on the world map as a country always looking to the future but concerned with its heritage. On a personal level, it will also be the culmination of my experience in architecture, photography and museums, having designed projects in many countries and managed the design and construction of major iconic musieums in the Arab World.
ARCADE will donate for edification of this project all its assets: half century of architectural photography, more than 30 solo and thematic photo exhibitions, a 4,000 titles of architectural book and magazines library of as well archives of many museums projects built in the MENA region.
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